Non‐Biological Complex Drugs/
Follow-on intravenous iron formulations in haemodialysis patients
Non‐Biological Complex Drugs/Research
Posted 01/04/2016
A study into the efficiency of follow-on intravenous (IV) iron formulations compared to originator formulations in haemodialysis patients has shown the follow-on products to be less efficient at maintaining the same haemoglobin levels [1].
Follow-on glatiramer acetate (M356) claimed as equivalent to Copaxone
Non‐Biological Complex Drugs/Research
Posted 05/11/2015
A multi-dimensional evaluation of the equivalence of a follow-on glatiramer acetate (M356) and the brand-name originator version (Copaxone) has been reported to show equivalence of biological and physicochemical properties, with no significant differences in the structure and function of the two products [1].