
Oncology generics launched by MSN Labs and Natco Pharma

Generics/News | Posted 29/10/2021

In late September 2021, MSN Labs launched Cabolong, a branded generic of Cabozantinib for treatment of renal cell carcinoma in India. This was followed by the early October announcement that in the US, Natco Pharma launched 10 mg strength everolimus tablets, an oncology generic of Novartis’ Afinitor.

US brand-name drug market exclusivity periods remain relatively unchanged over the past decade

Generics/Research | Posted 22/10/2021

The passage in 1984 of the Hatch-Waxman Act set into motion sweeping changes to the US brand-name and generic drug competitive environment. It greatly increased generic drug competition for small-molecule drugs, by establishing a new abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) generic drug approval process that substantially reduced the time and cost associated with a generic drug marketing application submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In addition, it created incentives for challenges to brand-name drug patents, while also creating incentives for continued medical innovation and new drug development by drug innovators.

Considerations for the evaluation of generic IUDs containing levonorgestrel

Generics/Research | Posted 15/10/2021

Fertility regulation benefits the population, protecting the right to life and health, supporting the right of individuals to enjoy their sexuality and the right of children to be born wanted. In addition, it safeguards people’s freedom of conscience to decide whether or not to use a contraceptive method, based on their personal values, safeguards the principle of non-maleficence and the principle of equity and justice. This is fulfilled when services are universally accessible without discrimination and authorities monitor that this condition is respected. Currently, different types of contraceptive methods are available, which are classified into hormonal, barrier, long-acting reversible contraception, emergency contraception and sterilization. All of them must meet the basic conditions of efficacy, safety, acceptability, availability and reversibility.

New five-year medicines agreements in Australia

Generics/General | Posted 24/09/2021

The Australian Government has entered into five-year strategic agreements with Medicines Australia and the Generics and Biosimilar Medicines Association (GBMA), to improve access to affordable, innovative, and life-saving therapies, vaccines and medicines.

Generic pharmaceutical policies in the MENA region

Generics/Research | Posted 17/09/2021

Healthcare systems in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region face challenges in service funding and delivery with policy emphasis in the region currently focused on controlling pharmaceutical expenditure. A key component of pharmaceutical cost-containment is a strong policy for generics aiming to improve uptake and access.

Sandoz launches ferumoxytol and pemetrexed generics

Generics/News | Posted 03/09/2021

Sandoz has launched ferumoxytol iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) treatment in the US and pemetrexed oncology treatment in Europe.

Generics applications under review by EMA – July 2021

Generics/General | Posted 23/07/2021

Generic medicines in Europe can be approved either centrally via the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or nationally via the local regulatory body [1]. Approval by EMA takes place by using a centralized procedure. This leads to approval of the product in all 28 European Union (EU) Member States and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. At a country level, if approval in a single EU Member State only is required, this can take place using the national procedure. However, as soon as a company seeks approval in two or more Member States, a decentralized procedure or mutual recognition procedure must be used [2].

The generics market in Brazil

Generics/Research | Posted 16/07/2021

The Brazilian pharmaceutical market has undergone many changes since the introduction of generic drug laws.

US generic approvals for Acrux and Cipla

Generics/News | Posted 16/07/2021

In late June 2021, Australian pharmaceutical company Acrux received United State Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to market its generic version of Vallant’s Jubila (efinaconazole). In addition, Indian generics maker Cipla received final FDA approval for a generic version of Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc’s Brovana, an arformoterol tartrate inhalation solution.

Laws on packaging, substitution and prescription of generics in Brazil

Generics/Research | Posted 09/07/2021

According to the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria, ANVISA), the approval of medicines aims to improve the Brazilian population's access to better, safe and quality medicines at lower prices.